Sorry, Gracie Lou. I am late on
re-posting this. Mostly because I forgot to check your blog for a minute and see that I was tagged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Grace and I went to college together. We enjoyed:
-dancing like the world was going to end
-smoking cigarettes on our porch (scandal!)
-the cold (ha! lies.)
-grilling in the winter
-baking cookies
-driving fast and blaring pop music all the way to Robinson Township
She is great. One of THE greatest.
Moving on..
1. The first rule is to post these rules.
2. Post a photo of yourself and 11 things about yourself/your life .
3. Answer the questions set for you in the original post.
4. Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them.
5. Go to their blog/twitter and tell them that you've tagged them.
On the left, you have me and my cousins and sister listening to New Kids on the Block. I'm the second from the Left of the photo.
On the right, my roommate and I (me on right).

Here is a fab dress up session with sister/ 3rd from the Left of the photo.
and Grace's questions:
2. dream job? tbd...I am currently an oil & gas accountant, and while that may not seem glamorous or high profile, it is actually very challenging and interesting, so I'm happy for now.
3. favorite blog? I'm not sure. I will tell you the first blog I became obsessed with. That would be Scott Schuman's
the Sartorialist without a doubt. His was also the first book signing I ever attended.
4. favorite recipe? I'm going to go with favorite recipe not passed down through my family (I am predominately Lebanese and Italian. We cook.). Probs Pioneer Woman's
chicken parmigiana.
5. favorite book? Toss up between Great Expectations and The Great Gatsby. I like the style of writing, the character development, and in GG's case, the time period.
6. one piece or two piece swimsuit? I have both. I have nothing wrong with either. Regarding two pieces, I usually prefer a bandeau top (tan lines, people!) and regarding one pieces, I recently purchased
this one. In dark rosewood.
7. most embarrassing moment? Why would I want to share it?! Hmm...I have two that are nearest and dearest. In 2010, after an evening of celebration, my foot turned in my fabulous wedges, and I face planted in the valet line. I had a soul patch scab on my chin to show for it. At the end of 2011, my two front veneers came off on a Thursday during dinner (a burrito! NOTHING CRAZY!), and the dentist couldn't see me until the following Monday. Needless to say, that Saturday night out for a birthday party....the temporary dental cement did not follow through. My engineers canNOT stop laughing about either of these stories.
Here is me the night of the face plant/soul patch scab 2010. You can vaguley see the shoes (they're great) in the photo, but not really my face since my cousin decided to cover it up. It was pre-fall, so I don't know why he covered my face...
8. pet(s)? if yes, name(s)? My roommate has a cat, Calvin. He's kind of a d-bag, but we still keep him.
9. specific makeup item you couldn't live without? Eyeliner and mascara. OH and under-eye concealer. Sorry that's three! I have dark circles under my eyes, gotta cover that up. And without eyeliner/mascara, I look 14. (I might with it on as well, but I still think it helps).
10. favorite song of the moment? Wild Ones by Flo Rida w/ Sia. (judging begins now!)
11. weekend plans? Fun filled. Time with my nephews (they're in town for Spring break), a baby shower, and whatever else happens in between.
1. Blog name and premise?
2. Favorite item in your closet?
3. Words that best describe your personal style?
4. Stripes or polka dots?
5. Favorite comfort food?
6. Favorite vacation?
7. Do you wear earrings? Posts or dangles?
8. Favorite pair of shoes (this could double up with #2, but go with it)
9. Favorite Christmas memory?
10. Do you drink wine? What kind is your favorite?
11. Favorite blog? (Sorry Grace I ran out of ideas and had to steal)
Ok ... I won't cry if no one re-posts this, seeing as it took me nearly a week to get on posting it myself. :)